Guest post by: Hugh Kimura Sensor Tower – Power Tools For App Store Optimization Two closely related issues that we hear app publishers having is that they do not know how their app ran
Bytes Build Character — Especially for Localized Keywords Read my guest post on MobileDevHQ about Localizing your keywords to attract international users Good news for app developers who
Apple’s localization documentation is sometimes lacking. This is especially true for localization topics like language codes. We’ve put together a very handy chart to answer a surpri
What is pseudolocalization? Let’s get the definitions out of the way. Normally, when you localize your app you are replacing your source text with a foreign language. For example, your Englis
App Descriptions are the easiest place to localize The simplest and most effective way to begin localizing your iPhone app for the App Store is through your App Description and Keywords. Why? Becau
App localization costs are usually hard for developers to quantify, unless they’re working with someone who knows how it works. That’s why at Babble-on we answer every request for local
Top app localization languages Often I’m asked which languages an app should be localized into.That really depends on the type of app, and where the market is going to embrace it. But, speaki