Inclusivity in games focused on narrative writing and game development. According to several speakers, you can design experiences and write texts that openly show non-binary gender identities and d
Category: BEST-OF
Everything new, shiny, “just worksâ€, and not-so-great WWDC 2021 brought Xcode 13 and Swift 5.5, the biggest advances to localization we’ve seen for a few years. These are real imp
You’re looking for a copywriter in San Francisco. After all, there are lots of those creative types here, not just “homosexuals and hipsters” as your previous boss told you when y
Over the years, I have had the pleasure to work with many developers, some of them who have zealously taken it upon themselves to reinvent English grammar, design new forms of syntax and lexicon, o
“A copywriter is the butcher that makes your meat look like filet mignon.” Copywriters are all reverse psychologists When you hire a copywriter you may think that it is his or her job t