Free estimates and pseudolocalization

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  • 0 final QA check of localized screenshots
  • free cloud translation management
    GitHub, Bitbucket, & Azure integration
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What's next?

  1. Check your email (and possibly your Junk folder). It should arrive soon.
  2. Test out the pseudolocalized files in your app like you would any translation.
  3. Take note of any unlocalized strings, and fix those in your code.
  4. Bookmark our site and come back when you need another round.
Questions or comments? Email us

We're here when you're ready to localize — in any language of the App Store.

Free pseudolocalization

no spam. we send a single email containing a zip of the pseudolocalized files.
Or join our FREE dev portal to download unlimited pseudolocalization files directly.

Upload any of these file types

arb, csv, dklang, dita, doc, docx, dotx, dtd, flpgl, flsnp, flt, fltoc, haml, htm, html, idml, ini, js, json, lng, md, mif, nsh, odg, odp, ods, odt, otg, otp, ots, ott, pdf, php, ppt, plist, po, pot, potx, pptx, properties, qtts, rc, resjson, resw, resx, rrc, rtf, sbv, srt, strings, stringsdict, ts, txt, toml, vdf, vtt, wxl, wiki, wikitext, mediawiki, xcstrings, xhtm, xhtml, xlf, xliff, xls, xlsx, xltx, xml, xml, yaml, yml
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    What is pseudolocalization?

    Pseudolocalization is a quick way to find out if your app is ready to send for translation. We return a valid strings file based on source texts where English is replaced by a fake Chinese or French (see image). Load up this pseudo-localized strings file and run your app. Don't forget to set your System language accordingly.

    A look at "European" pseudolocalization.
    Just drop it in your fr.lproj folder and run it with your system set to French.

    Check every screen and make sure all the text appears as the pseudo-localized text rather than your original. If you can't spot any missing strings, you're good to go.

    A common rule of thumb is that most European languages are 30% longer than English, so tiny buttons and titles may not fit when you localize. Pseudolocalization can help you spot those cramped spaces too!