Localized Screenshots QA

Screenshot QA is as important as your app's QA.

You know screenshots help translators understand context while they are translating. "Seeing" really is understanding, even more than detailed textual explanations. That extra time you spend taking screenshots of your interface before translation begins — or to answer specific translator questions during the process — dramatically improves the overall quality of the translations.

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Maybe you're not ready to start localizing. We have some free tools that can help you start:

Localized screenshots are the final check to make sure your international users receive the same high-quality application. Try integrating this check during your usual QA process, just before release.

How localized screenshot review works

Screenshots can be just as valuable after a translation is complete than while the translation is in progress.

Integrate the translations Babble-on provides into your app or website, and then begin taking localized screenshots to send back to us. This can be automated during the QA step using tools like Xcode's built-in Tests. This helps you identify and fix text clipping, layout problems, foreign alphabets not rendering, or issues with right-to-left languages.

Select a language, and upload your localized screenshots

These will appear for the translators to review.

Add any questions or details if you have particular concerns.

Translators use an efficient interface to review all the screenshots at full size, mark them as OK, or make changes directly in translation editor. For issues they can't resolve, they can leave you notes. This is often the case when they find text in English, which has not been exported to the translations files.

Want quality translations and expert review?

  • Native translators
  • Obsessively detailed
  • Simple pricing
  • Lightening-fast updates for your help center
  • Help editing your English texts
  • QA assistance

That's us.
