App Descriptions
for the App Store and Google Play
Generate more downloads with an app description that sells.
App descriptions are the first words a user reads about your app.
And that makes them very important. After all, a lackluster or poorly written app description might be the last words they ever read about your app.

See how an app description is written
Devs often ask us about how to write an app description. This blog post shows exactly how we did it for one of our favorite apps, iKamasutra.
Keys to a great App Store Description
Whether or not you request our help in pushing your app description to the next level, here are the fundamentals we keep in mind every time.
- Start with a bang. The first line sells, and remember that users see only that above the “More...” button when viewing an app description on a desktop.
- Highlight the stand-out features. The second paragraph hits all the high notes, including outstanding features and advantages over the competition.
- Use compelling titles. Begin each section with some written artistry to get users to read on.
- Details do sell. The creative titles reel them in, but it is the details about key features that compel users to press the BUY button.
- Make it a Quickstart guide. Each essential feature should be listed in precise and succinct detail. This ensures that users take advantage of everything your app offers so that they are fully satisfied with the purchase. Remember, no one reads help texts until they are already disgruntled.
- Honesty pays. If your app relies on in-app purchases for revenue, it is in your favor to be upfront with buyers. Tell them what is free and what isn’t. This avoids disappointment, angry reviews, and entices shoppers to become loyal customers.
- Sing your praises. Reviews, both from your users and from online and print sources, are incredible sales tools. Include a few for potential buyers to see.
- Stay connected. App Store reviews are anonymous and you can't follow up with individual users. Be sure to include Twitter and Facebook links where you can take the conversation to a personal level.
Your App Store description not only serves as your app's online dating profile, it is often the only user manual your customers will ever read.
Generate your own app description
Here's how to generate an app description on your own:
- Title: Write your app name and what it does in just 5 words or less.
- First sentence: Write what your app does or its main feature in a single sentence.
- Features: Write a bulleted list of features of the app, just 5 words or less each.
- Organize: If you have more than 3 features, organize them into sections of related features, like all of your Privacy features in a single list.
- Ask for feedback: Include all the ways to reach you (email, Facebook, Twitter) so people can write to you rather than leave bad reviews.
Need more help? Write us
App Store descriptions
just $99App Description Key Features:
- Improve your existing description
- Teach users to use your app
- Earn more downloads
- Reduce bad reviews
Localize your App Description
- Improve discovery
- Earn more daily downloads
- Expand to international markets
- Best return for your marketing budget
From Quora: Do localized app descriptions convert better?
Request your App Store app description right now
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