Translate App Description for App Store Internationalization and Localization, iOS, Android, Windows | Babble-on

Translate your App Description & Keywords for the App Store

Grab your existing metadata from iTunes or Google Play

Word count:

per language


(min. charge < 100 words)

any fields you want to translate
App Name

Babble-on – アプリのローカライズ
just keywords after a hyphen
バビロン ー アプリのローカライズ
every word

App Description



What's new in this version


Screenshot captions

We can't count captions added to screenshots, so please give us an estimate here

    Why localize your App Description?


    Our translation not only targets your app description but keywords to improve discovery in the App Store.


    Increase your downloads in international markets and see your earnings and userbase grow globally.

    Best ROI

    Localizing your app description and keywords is the single best way to spend your limited marketing budget.

    We translate app descriptions into every language of the App Store.


    We can also help improve your English app descriptions

    Learn more